Layla Wood, who operated on Buzz at Vets4Pets in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire, said: “This was definitely the worst case I’ve ever seen

X-ray shows melon-sized lump of 215 stones eaten by "daft" springer spaniel - and which cost student £3,400 to remove - Deadline News
A DOG owner has been left with a £3,400 vet bill after her “daft” pooch swallowed 215 stones from the back garden. An amazing X-ray image shows a solid mass of stones the size of a cantaloupe melon completely filling Buzz’s stomach. Horrified owner L
X-ray shows melon-sized lump of 215 stones eaten by "daft" springer spaniel - and which cost student £3,400 to remove - Deadline News
A DOG owner has been left with a £3,400 vet bill after her “daft” pooch swallowed 215 stones from the back garden. An amazing X-ray image shows a solid mass of stones the size of a cantaloupe melon completely filling Buzz’s stomach. Horrified owner L
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