When it was originally launched in the Netherlands in 2013, a clinical study showed 90% of patients would recommend OWise to others, as well as 90% of doctors and nurses

App shares real-time data with clinicians to improve Scottish breast cancer patients’ experience and their health outcomes - Deadline News
An app that allows breast cancer patients to record treatment symptoms, with data delivered to clinicians in real time, is being trialed at NHS Lothian. OWise, created by Px HealthCare, lets patients log symptoms and side effects, which are then shar
App shares real-time data with clinicians to improve Scottish breast cancer patients’ experience and their health outcomes - Deadline News
An app that allows breast cancer patients to record treatment symptoms, with data delivered to clinicians in real time, is being trialed at NHS Lothian. OWise, created by Px HealthCare, lets patients log symptoms and side effects, which are then shar
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